Believing in yourself can get you through virtually anything. Believing in yourself is contagious too. It resonates and is received by others. It is attractive and the energy, although others might not be able to put their finger on it or definitively describe it, makes others feel better about themselves over time if they spend more and more time with you.

It is very difficult to maintain that belief in yourself if trauma has occurred though. Some have even been totally robbed of it, having no idea when, how, or that it even happened at all until they either unpack their experience in therapy or attempt another relationship. If this has happened to you, let me first say, I’m so sorry!! I am so sorry because the side effects of no longer believing in yourself can be scary when you look inward and compare yourself to who you were before trauma. I am so sorry because the road back to believing in yourself is also scary, can be hard and unpredictable, and can be long. 

BUT...guess what!! Guess who is worth “all that trouble”? You. You were born special and you continue to be special. The fact that you have survived trauma means that you have plenty left on this planet to do. You have a greater, awesome purpose. In order for you to live that purpose, you must heal. During the healing process, you will rebuild the belief in yourself. Keep in mind though, the healing process and believing in yourself isn’t just an incline. There will be ebbs and flows. Believing in yourself is easy when things are going great but one tends to question themselves and all the hard work they’ve done when there is either a plateau in growth or pause in productivity. I, personally, still have this issue sometimes. It definitely gets better the more you heal but maintaining that belief in yourself on the way down the roller coaster of healing/growth can still be a little difficult. Questions that pop into my mind: Did or am I doing something wrong? Have I somehow veered off the path? Am I being tempted by something new or that I am not aware of? Now, these are all viable questions. It is good to look inward and question one’s thoughts or behavior. But question what is going on, get the answers, and move on. Don’t obsess. It becomes unhealthy to sit in the negative aspect of things especially once you have dissected it. It helps to break down the entire picture and make sense of things. For instance, what could be causing a plateau in growth or healing or whatever might be going on in your life could simply be just! Life happens all around us and most times, it has nothing to do with what we have done or said. Believing in yourself and the power of what you have deduced comes in here. As you are going through all the aspects of your current situation and you’ve come to understand what is going on, have faith in the answers you have found. Accept what your “gut” is telling you. There is something deep inside you that knows and I mean, truly KNOWS. It’s your spirit. Your spirit is your truest and deepest self. Believe in yourself. Yes, it is really tough sometimes. This is where love and encouragement of others who resonate on your level or higher come in. They help keep you up and build you up and vice versa. Find your “tribe”. I have a tribe and they are freakin’ awesome! It took me a long time to find them but they are well worth the time and energy and growth it took to get to them. They will nourish your belief in yourself. They will love you and you will love them.

Believing in yourself is key in your own life and in teaching others to live and be ultimately prosperous in their own lives. It’s not just you alone. At times, it takes a village. Don’t be afraid to seek out that village if you feel that you need it. Listen to your “gut”...your won’t steer you wrong.

Peace and Blessings to you all.
