Keep Going
I woke up this morning with the pang of fear and anxiety in my belly. When I realized this, my first thought was, “God’s got you”! My next thought was, “use it”! Even after three years of consistent growth and healing and growing in God, I still have fear and anxiety...the two are natural parts of being human. It’s how one deals with the two that will determine whether you are thriving or not. Given my experience with martial arts, learning how to channel and use my emotions as an actress, and most importantly, learning greater perspective and unconditional love through God, I have learned to KEEP GOING no matter what. You must keep going! You must get up and keep going everyday! Fear and anxiety are nothing more than energy, just like happiness and joy. It’s one’s mindset that determines anything outside of that energy. Now, don’t get me isn’t easy!! And, ‘they’ say that it takes 4 weeks to establish a new habit MUST KEEP GOING! Set your focus on a goal. It could be a general goal like healing, your kids, accomplishing your dream. It could also be a daily goal like just getting out of bed and going to the grocery store or the gym. Whatever it is, focus on that goal throughout the day and acknowledge when you feel that pang of anxiety or fear. Take that energy and let it launch you forward as if you have rocket fuel in your veins! Do this everyday no matter what! God helped me stay on this path and that is why I am thriving now! Keep going and reach out for help. Although, I’m sure at times you feel as if you are alone, there are people out there who will support you. God has sent me incredible people for each stage of my growth and healing. He has also stayed with me when the struggle felt insurmountable. This process of struggle, support, growth, and maintaining the mindset of “Keep Going” will create the THRIVER in you. KEEP GOING!